星期日, 1月 14, 2007

[轉貼]用 CSS 於連結後面加 icon (與副檔名相關小圖)


通常連結是 <a href ...>, 但是都沒法一眼看出, 到底是一般連結還是某種類型的檔案(除非滑鼠移到連結上, 看檔名), 拜讀兩篇文章, 用 CSS 去判斷 副檔名 或 class name 來給他小圖.

以下參考自兩位 CSS 大師的文章:

使用 CSS 於 連結後面 加入 icon 的方法如下:(此為我的範例)

a[href $='.pdf'] { padding-right: 18px;background: transparent url(/images/icon_pdf.gif) no-repeat center right; }
a[href $='.doc'] { padding-right: 18px;background: transparent url(/images/icon_doc.gif) no-repeat center right; }
a[href $='.xls'] { padding-right: 18px;background: transparent url(/images/icon_xls.gif) no-repeat center right; }
a[href ^="mailto:"] { padding-right: 20px;background: transparent url(/images/icon_mail.gif) no-repeat center right; }
a[class ="popup"] { padding-right: 18px;background: transparent url(/images/icon_popup.gif) no-repeat center right; }
a[class ~="popup"] { padding-right: 18px;background: transparent url(/images/icon_popup.gif) no-repeat center right; }
a[class ="external"] { padding-right: 18px;background: transparent url(/images/icon_external.gif) no-repeat center right; }

a 後面能夠有以下幾種判斷法:

  • [foo] -- Has an attribute named "foo"
  • [foo="bar"] -- Has an attribute named "foo" with a value of "bar" ("bar")
  • [foo~="bar"] -- Value has the word "bar" in it somewhere ("blue bar stools")
  • [foo^="bar"] -- Value begins with "bar" ("barstool")
  • [foo$="bar"] -- Value ends with "bar" ("I was at the bar")
  • [foo*="bar"] -- Value has bar somewhere ("I was looking for barstools")
記得加的時後, icon 要準備好 :)